Sunday, August 03, 2008,
i've learn that i am an asshole and have never appreciate my friends. so miss ethel im so happy to have u as my friend. i will always remember u not because of ur nautral beauty but because u have make such scar in my heart with ur kindness and ur love for me.. so thank u!
From HazzizulSighs... After the 16 weeks, i just realized how blessed i am to be in this class.
It is definitely a pleasure to know all of you in W36J. It could probably be the best class i've ever been before.
The bonding and the friendship is unbreakable, been through thick and thins with some of them.
To Hazzizul:
Its been such a great pleasure to work with you for most of the modules!
Your enthusiasm towards work is simply awesome. Working with you and Guowei can never be bored.
To Guo wei:
Oh my what can i say about this guy? You simply bring all the laughter to the class! A.k.a Mr Funny of the class.
Very helpful and happy-go-lucky guy!
To Cecelia:
Hey sampat, You're such a great friend, full of patience and super helpful girl~ Love ya!
To Tricia:
Haha another sampat mate, many thanks for all the morning calls! A very systematic girl who is our scribe most of the time.
A girl who is very naggy tooo... Lol.. But nevertheless we still love ya!
To Jared:
HEy Mr Sampat, the most on the ball + "siao-onz" guy that i've worked with.. A great guy with all the nicest templates for our
presentations. Stop being emo at times k, wrinkles coming out yo~
To Ridzwan:
Our friendly neighbourhood Ridzwan, your cheerfulness and the opening lines are something that we'll never forget!
To Leaf:
Leaf, you've been such a great friend in class. You've made us changed the perception we hold for China students.
You're such a patience, helpful, dilligent girl. Many thanks for always helping all of us with our math and Visual Basic.
The speech you gave was so meaningful and we're all moved by that.
Enjoy your vacation and i'll hope to see you around in school the next sem! =)
9:35 AM