Friday, February 24, 2006,
C++ paper down~ Whee which means im just 1 more paper away from my holidays! Yay~ But today's paper was quite tricky.. as compared to last sem, that was really a give away~ Tt's why its very important to study smart! Haiz... just pray so hard that i can make it through this time lars.. if not Goodbye to NYP~ Had a bad headache/migrain after the paper. Programming just SUX! BOo~ Went home to sleep... woke up to have dinner and watched tv.. So many shows to keep me entertained~ There's this new one called The Beauty and The Geek! lol.. Damn interesting Its about how 7 beautiful girls interact with 7 Geeks, they have to learn something from each other.. Ha n there's this guy called Richard.. ha think he's the Lord of all Geeks man! agressive type also~ And in order to win in this challenge, the team gotta make e most drastic change by the end of the show! The REWARD: US$250,000!! Ai sei man.. money realli is e road to all evils.. Well the female contestants most of them i think is only a empty nut shell.. Cause e 7 geeks though are aint good lookin, but they are smarties~ Their knowledge is there.. Whereas the girls can't even do simple spelling like "T-a-t-t-o-o" and even "C-a-l-e-n-d-a-r" gosh.. for a moment i was like "u sure u from USA??" Very interesting reality show man~ Love it! Friday nite.. not clubbin this week cause its e Dreadful exams week! Was online chatting.. So many of them asked the same question.. "Not gg clubbin tonight?" haiz which made me felt even mor tempted to head down to MOS for the Kosheen thing.. Argh~ so gonna endure 1 more week! And its time for me to hit down to the clubs~ Ha but hopefully not so frequently.. :)
11:44 AM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006,
Hey thr.. im bored again so decided to blog again.. Monday: Was supposed to STUDY for exams.. then in the end went to yishun to cut my hair!! Arh!! damn short can my hair!! Lol.. now look like machiam wad china doll lars.. had my hair dyed also.. blue black.. but looks damn black.. but luckily asked tt lady to keep a streak of my hair for white bleaching.. haiz but overall.. still.. haiz shall not mention further.. The hair cut looked like back then when i was 3 yrs old! damn.. TuesDay: Was work at suntec. 1pm shift.. was late for work again so took cab.. damned waste of $ again lars.. when will i stop taking cab to work or to sch.. muz really try to get out of the house earlier le~ Stocks came.. helped to packed e hardware as Ju suffered from back pain.. poor thing.. Then went supper with Metta n Kj after work.. Where else but MAggie Thai again lars.. nice tom yum soup n sambal fried rice again~ Wednesday: Today! Revising C Prog!! bored n chim! argh.. hopefully by this weekend can go catch Brokeback Mountain~ :)
11:28 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006,
Yesterday was work @ Bugis.. Its been quite a long time last working there.. TIring can.. imagine for mugging for all the common tests and upcoming exams.. Dark circles, pimples all coming out.. yucks.. already im not blessed with good looks liao.. eeks~ MAn.. work today was quite boring.. cause later part Wendy came.. whenever she's in store she will keep on emphasising on our greetings and stuff.. geez~ such a pain.. i meant i did greet after ur friendly reminder, then it was Mimi's.. became such a nag~ I mean com'on i began to realise the dark side of the coporate world ya, as i am the only part timer tat day, does it freaking mean that i am e only 1 who is supposed to GREET customers? More unecessary greetings NOT = to More Sales/ revenue... Oh Pul--e-a-s-e! As full timers shuldnt u guys do greeting also in order to lead us? So hell unfair lars! Management getting lousier! Hyprocrites start to reveal.. Bugis is no longer the old Bugis we used to work.. Syida n me so gonna agree to that.. We missed the good-o-days.. Almost everyones mood was dampened by the sudden drop-by.. esp Mr Johan.. he told me he was pissed when we were in e storeroom.. i agreed to.. its testing his limits... he was rather offended by the remark that _ _ _ _ made.. He had his point.. wad he said really made sense lars.. its still bout the emphasing on customer's greetings and all.. not to be crude.. but to make us greet every single customer who walked-in to e store, we might as well put greeting sensors at the entrance of da shop? Enough of my bad day of work ranting.. sian! And ya guessed e latest news after the Paris Hilton's sex tape saga, this time we even have Nyp porno clip lo! Geez.. embarrassment to my school lo.. This gal so happened to lose her hp.. or rather some pp l stole it.. so he/she went to upload the video clip online.. Mean lo.. but on the other hand, i dun realli think that we should symphatize her la, cause its something like she brought upon herself.. Good luck..
11:31 AM
Friday, February 17, 2006,
Ahrz.. super duper tired n worn out.. after 2 days of crazy papers.. Slept ard 4am on both nites.. its crazy Demoralized.. Hopefully can clear them! Left sem pro haven present to e Loy "Chee hong"!! She's such a biatch lars! Think tts my 4th time presenting to her le!! Stucked on e lat part of da project.. unable to retrive stored data.. Java shits! Its like helloooo, u jolly well noe tt i didnt take e related module yet rite.. some more still pin point on me.. so unfair! u B-I-A-t-C-h! Finally its temp over! common tests down.. Left with next week's examinations! 2 more papers to go.. Networking n programming~ cb.. sux sux sux! March still will get 1mth + holidays cause need to clear all modules before FYP and attachment! Met sec frenz Daphne and Khee Heng juz now.. Woodlanders.. Khee Heng was furious with his fren.. Cause his fren uses his particulars to pay for installment for a bike.. Causing him to be sued by e company.. 1.4k.. So irresponsible la this kinda person! Ha then he was writing IOU to get him to sign. Hopefully his fren pays him back lars.. Tml gonna replace Eunice fs @ Bugis.. Damn long never work le.. hopefully still remember the stuffs and all.. Nitez peeps ! Dying soon..
10:03 AM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006,
Happy V Day to all da couples in da world! Haiz another lonely V day.. Tts what happens when ure SINGLE~ Wad a loser huh.. Super BOring day! Slept super "early" last nite.. Reminsicing, pondering and pondering.. Almost teared.. dunno y also.. u juz hurt me so badly.. So woke up late today ard 1 plus.. was supposed to meet Stan n Estar for revision @ 11 am @ civic mac.. Not in e mood of studying also.. Thurs E comm test, Semestral proj presentation! Fri E circuits and XML tech test!! Dying lars.. over stressed! Fatigue hits me again! Got to noe wads my specialisation for final yr.. W.T.F~ Communication and networking! Geez~ I think i could have strangled myself with e UTP cable in da lab.. Thank god.. Amy is taking tt as well! So is Jonathan and Arina~ Weee.... Amy e pillar of my support.. ALways get into e same elective/specialisation cheers! Hopefully i'll be able to pull through lars.. Still waiting for my posting of Final yr Proj or attachment to be announced. Guess i'll be pretty much be in Nad's path.. hopefully can do proj 1st then attachment Hopefully can get my own attachment rather than Sch's one.. Bro's attachment is out too! He's damn happy.. Cause he got into SIA engineering.. his lifelong dream with his aircraft stuff.. I'm proud of him.. he's one of e ten selected from 160 of them to be in tt attachment~ Congrats! Hopefully He can get into his RSAF lars.. Im e black sheep of da family..
9:15 AM
Sunday, February 12, 2006,
RoaR... Im just so tired! Be it Tired of Sch, Tired of Work, Im just so tired of EVERYTHING! Help... Went to town with Christine, then Jeremy and David met us @ Wisma.. Walk and roamed around.. hopefully to get something nice for myself.. Reward myself every month is a Must! hee..' Saw a pair of white glasses @ Xcraft @ FAr East.. $10 onli lo.. cheap! Its quite nice.. and its slightly smaller than my red color de.. and bought myself a stripey t-shirt too @ this shop called revoltage.. but then lost it eventuslly @ a garden near to tt gay pub.. geez.. So Fri night went to this ktv pub @ Tanjong pagar with Christine, Vic, Jeremy and David.. geez.. first time to such place.. not used to it.. singing with so many ppl watching.. damn paisei.. Ordered 6 jugs of Tiger.. Gosh and they ordered 6 shots of tequila.. In the end there's an unexpected guest that came~ Mr Terrence! HA tt feeling one said running in gym.. in e end.. saw him there! so secretly and unexpected.. So when Tiger beer + Tequila shot = DIE~ Ha but this time not me.. Its Christine and Vic! They are dead druNk!.. Lol.. So muz send them to cab.. in e end causing myself to lost my newly bought tee.. %^#.. Sad.. Nvm.. tml will be a better day.. hopefully! ![]() Me, VIc and Jeremy ![]() Frm left: ME, Christine, Vic, Jeremy and David ![]() AnyoNE for a Tiger? LOL!!!! ![]() Before e Tequila ![]() After e tequila! ![]() Me n Terrence. Nice person to work with lars! ![]()
11:04 AM
Thursday, February 09, 2006,
OMG... super tired can... Dying.. My body can't take it no more le.. HApPy 25th BiRtHdAy to Miss Miko!! ~Claps~ Ya had a super duper long crazy insane day. Went to school for morning's networking lab @ 10am.. finally presented my Product & Creativity project.. Then went home to study a while Then packed my stuff for nite's chalet @ Pasir Ris Aranda Hopefully can pass this paper.. had a bad headache throughout the paper. Feeling super lerthargic.. after all da late nights of stressing.. Stress can't believe i am rite? I began to realise that my life is in a mess! Great mess i mean!! SOmetimes too happening that it sux.. So after the common test, went to eat MAc with Irene and Imm, then rushed down to town to search for Miko's bdae gift. Bought myself e Missy elliot's Tee! ex.. $59 w/o discount cause Pacific won't carry it.. Then managed to get Miko a halter neck top! Quite nice i would say... shared among me, Long and Christine.. Tat girl so poor thng last minute sick.. Take care girl.. Overworked also! So met Zam @ cityhall.. was late.. then happened to bump into Juliana, Joey, Nas, Moses thr.. Funny Ju was like suaning me e entire time.. Then there was this caucasian guy behind Ju wearing this mahjong bracelet thingy on his hand~ muhaha think Jon has it too when playing mahjong @ chalet tt time.. so chak chak.. then he saw my bracelet watch.. something similar design to his mahjong tiles.. then he suddenly told me, "hey nice watch! what brand was it?" i was like ????? Swatch.. Ha then i told him, "woah u have a nice mahjong tiles bracelet too"!!! HAHA... Joey was like wtf Ethel.. Reached Pasir ris finally, saw Deen and Huda too. Then we all walked together to e chalet. Can even sense e smell of ppl deep frying sotong balls inside man.. lol... Alot of ppl were there.. ANna, ANnie, Mimi, Eileen, Eileen's siblings, JAson, Jennifer,Juliana, Joey, Fidah, Huda, Zam, Xiao Ting, Joanaa, Jessica, Ze ming n gf, Derrick, Pauline, Mike, Ah long and Deen. After passing e gift to Miko, took pics, chatted @ e balcony there, i went to club! Went down to Momo 1st to meet Metta, Kj and their frenz.. Momo sux big time man~ less then 1/2 hr, made our way to MOS.. Saw Chelson there.. and a Mike Shinoda look alike! Damn cute lars...Yea Fort Minor Concert here i come! Right after networking paper.. :( Haven seen him for a long long time.. Even since he shaved his hair? doink.. as tall as ever.. i stand on e podium he's almost my ht! We dun call him Gao gao for nothing man.. lol Then the girls left @ ard 3 then i joined gao gao they all till 4+.. gosh his fren Vicknesh i think was damn drunk...5 tequila shots and that's it.. full stop liao.. very e muzakir.. lol... nearly slept on e hotcakes he's eating!! Lmao.. Then e Dereck's face suddenly turned red! realli red i meant.. ha blood circulation thing starting.. doink... so later i went back to e chalet... Stupid uncle sent me to Aloha resort instead... damn dark la tt road freaked me out...still drove so fast i nearly puked in da cab man! Returned to e chalet @ 5+, alot of ppl left liao.. left Deen, Miko, mike, Ah long, Anna, Annie, 2 of their frenz i think.. sian 1/2.. went to bathe and wanted to slp liao then Miko asked me to fry e chicken wings.. They were playing mahjong all nite..-_- nvm, her birthday i fry lo.. after frying, went straight to bed.. Was supposed to wake up n go sch wif ah long but cannot make it still sleeping al da way.. then woke up @ 10 went out of da room n saw no one i thought thy left for breakfast w/o me!!! argh.. !@#$%^^&& luckily saw their slippers still there so went to e other room to check.. ya they were still sleeping inside!! lol.. heng ar... The worst feeling is e part where packing and the journey back home.. went to BK to have lunch wif them and then went back to school... During entreprenuer, was trying so hard to stay awake cause discussing project, but then e lecturer can tell so obviously.. luckily she let us off early... Went back home at once.. slept till 8 + Angela called.. doink.. cant sleep cause later gotta watch Grammys.. Feeling damn dehydrated and worn out.. ciaoz.. ![]() ![]() ![]() I think tt she's damn cool lars! * We've lost Miss Metta during 1/2 way, so Kj n me took all da pics while finding her...
2:37 AM