Sunday, December 25, 2005,
HoHoHo!!! MerrY Christmas and Happy Birthday to ChristinE SeE!! Yeah merry Christmas everyone! So yesterday went Ministry Of Sound with Veron, Kalvin( her brother), Gabriel, and his frenz, Minyee n etc ~ wow.. e crowd.. super packed man.. we saw the queue and it was oh-my-god.. super long as if queueing up for Singapore idol audition? Luckily Veron's brother n frenz were a bit earlier than us, so we all cut queue.. my goodness.. otherwise think can countdown in e queue le if didnt jump queue.. Den called me when i was still queueing he's there as well!! But he didnt want to try queuing cause it was over packed..Finally about an hour or so we managed to get in before 12.. there's still time for us to explore here n there.. So we walked around From R&b room and was spotted by Miss Eunice (another chiongster) again!! Main room.. oh e main room was cool.. they had this very nice waterfall just in front of e bar counter which links e both levels.. n they even had an escalator!! damn cool.. Then we went over to this room called Pure.. we pushed e door open n is like an entirely different world la.. all white room the decor n e ambience is super nice.. realli something different from the usual clubs.. Then it was near 12 midnight, preparing to countdown at the main room.. and at the struck of 12, e party started.. Guest Djs started spinning and there was special guest performance by Hed Kandi.. my god we all thought Hed Kandi was a girl cause e posters n ads were this animated girl standing thr. Wow his performance was awesome he can realli bring the mood of everyone.. Was totally impressed by the trance music at MOS.. unlike Zouk or BLack.. Ha for da 1st time was so into Trance over hip-hop... gosh Veron almost died in e main room so she went over to e hip hop side to find Min Yee thy all.. while e rest of us continued dancing to the Trance music.. Ha e Gabriel was quite hip hop lookin but didnt noe he liked trance so much man ha can tell from e way he danced! Then later on we went over to e hip hop a while and they were like not so interested lo.. yeah Trance in Mos was great~ Then thy left at 3 plus. was supposed to leave with them but Min yee persuaded me to stay longer.. so i stayed on till 5? then went supper with the rest.. My god n they even suggested to go LAvender for Pigs organ soup? geez.. its like 5 + liao n everyone was like so damn tired n some pain in e ass ppl die die also wanna eat.. n in e end? e 2 stalls were closed le! w.t.f sial.. n e rest wanted to go Geylang instead for tim sum? Then i told them i rather go to somewhere near our place to eat so e 3 of us eventualli headed down to Yishun near Veron's block for bar chor mee.. much better ya.. was totally knocked out by 7am when i reached home.. ![]() in da toilet.. their toilet was like woah! ![]() still posing.. ![]() She realli enjoyed it lars.. ![]() ![]() Gabriel n Veron's bro Kalvin(act drunk?) ![]() Candid ![]() TT's Hed Kandi! ![]() At the strike of 12!! MeRRy Christmas! ![]() ![]()
12:24 PM
Thursday, December 22, 2005,
Omg.. Christmas is drawing nearer n nearer!! Received my presents from frenz.. :) Thanks ALL!! ALrite Yesterday was our part timers Xmas Dinner, had fun last nite very funny e most of them n very happening also~ Didnt join e rest to Black later cause the next day got school!! Damned it! My last day is Friday!! SBM alreadi Holidays le~~ tmd Shuyu, Deen, Jessica thy all all holidays le 2 weeks some more OK? IT pple onli 1 week.. argh.. E dinner was nice and fun,we even got a free t the lucky draw part was exciting.. ha i got e 15th prize.. was a sling bag.. but i swear it s not Adidas de lo.. its so haiyo Obiang man.. when we saw it was like almost fainting.. lol.. but then e rest of da prizes are realli attractive man! There were Nokia handsets, free haircut vouchers? 14" Tv? and 1st prize 29" flat screen tv lo! w.t.h. man sponsored by courts or wad? lol..n Lucky Eunice walked away with e 29" tv.. lol luckily e tv to be delivered to her house otherwise think she can hug her tv to O Bar? It was realli nice to see so many ppl tt day.. some who i often worked with, and some who are not.. also quite a number of us from Nyp de.. in fact e middle table was mostly from NYP man.. but i still sat with my cliques la.. After e dinner, went up to e room to chat awhile n drink abit.. then e rest head to Chinablack while me, Shuyu and ah boi shared cab home cause i next day got test.. damn it.. crowded.. ![]() Mummie Khing is so proud of her T-shirt tt she gave us :) ![]() Squueeeze ar! Partimers onli wor~ ![]() Candid camera~ ![]() Ha looked like Ju is e grandma n all of us are her daughters n Yvette is her grandaughter? ![]() ![]() Omg Christine looked so fierce!! lol me n Jessica ![]() Chris's bdae cake n our Xmas cake! ![]() Shu yu n me~ ![]() Me and Shirlene ![]() Den n me ![]() Nypians.. ME, Shuyu n Michelle~ ![]() Khing n me~ ![]()
3:55 AM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005,
![]() What is your definition?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla Popular: You are the class clown, class president, and you are filled with pure additude. You aren't afraid to express your feelings and you are tough! Hmm realised alot of ppl are kinda interested in this kinda things lately.. dunno juz tried out n i got this.. True or Not? u shall decide..
12:39 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005,
Yeah Zouk Out was sooo awesome we swear~ Ha... after one super long day of hard work at Bugis then i headed down to Harbour Front to meet Veron they all.. They were LATE... ha some more say i sure be late cause i still at Bugis.. see.. in e end i still gotta wait for u all.. Munie went too!! so coincidence saw her in the bus!! she wif her grp of frenz.. very fun-loving grp of ppl.. helped them to take pics in da bus! haha.. Then we went to queue for e 2nd bus at the entrance there.. haiyo so many bus to take.. Then there is this group of malay guys in front of us. They were talking to us then got 1 very funny guy started to say that wad "Long Island is good.. u girls juzt drink more.. bla bla" random case.. but then after that he said he wanted to sing a song.. then he actualli sang a hokkien song lo!! and is like so fluent lo!! wa.. realli made us laugh till stomachache! Then we boarded e bus, it was packed, and the bus driver was playing Trance in da bus alreadi! LOL.. everyone was like so high alreadi.. then when we finally reached e stop, everyone was like "Zouk Out,ZOuk Out, Zouk Out.." Haha siao.. Then there was this 1st entrance that limits e crowd in it.. a bit irrelevant lei cause tts not e main entrance.. Then while we were findin e main entrance's for da queue we walked past this super long queue place.. and e guys even thought that was e toilet's queue.. and we looked back.. No!! That was e main queue for it!! omg.. but lucky Veron her eyes were super sharp so somewhere 1/2way she saw a fren called Max, wahaha n we cut queue!! Got our tags and went in.. And i cant believe still can bump into a fren who used to work next to our workplace.. doink.. so funny he got his hair dyed black better! not so ah beng le.. So we went look for Veron's frenz inside and in e meantime looking for e Hip hop tent.. lol.. Then we sticked thr almost the entire night! It was so awesome e crowd there so many ppl so damn happening~ the DJ Cash Money was superb man! he's such a good scratcher he realli brought the house down~ r.e.s.p.e.c.t~
Atmosphere~ Then we continued to dance all the way till bout 4am, it suddenly just rained.. cats and dogs i meant.. so everyone was at the main shelter.. Then there was some people playing some music with the drums and dunno wad instruments lei.. sounded like e band Wicked Aura or Stomp like thingy.. it was quite good as it did not dampened our mood.. ![]() We left around 6 plus and walked out to take e free shuttle bus out to wait for cab and in e queue i saw my ex lecture mate Sean!! Wa so coincidence~ he was queuing right behind me! haiyo so long never see him liao we chatted awhile n told him tt Munie was thr as well.. and the queue was horrendous Veron said it looked pretty much like e Johor Bahru bus queue!! Wahaaha.. even e couple in front of us heard her.. they were like trying to laugh out.. but controlling onli.. Then we took e bus out to Harbour Front.. this time e bu s ppl were all so quiet.. everyone was apparently Knocked Out... and noone wanted to alight at e 1st stop.. lol.. How we wished e bus could send us right to our hou se.. yea dream on..
5:06 AM
Sunday, December 11, 2005,
Haiyo reali lacked of sleep.. slept at 9am n woke up at 330pm to sing ktv wif Christine, Jeremy and Rayson.. omg super duper tired can.. so went down to Cine.. b4 tt went to Far East to meet them. They were walking around.. Then we went to a bikini shop.. Christine wanted to buy another set of bikini.. something yellow or turqoise color.. then thr's promotion 2nd set 50% of.. so i bought 1 too.. ha.. feeling can use for next yr's Zouk out? lol.. stipey de.. so total each of us only pay bout $20.. quite cheap.. ![]() ha.. the color very contrasting with my bed rite? Then after ktv, went to eat with Jeremy's fren David.. ha funny looking guy.. Christine n Jeremy kept on bullying him.. haiyo saw Harris there some more.. haunted.. Salomon gonna wind up le.. very fast le end of this yr.. everything up to 60% off wor~~~ For ppl who are gg for any expedition trip or climbing trip or whatsoever can go there n check it out at suntec level 2..
2:35 AM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005,
I'm Fuming!!! Fuck NYP!!! U Destroyed my HK TRIP!!! Argh~~~ I'm just so so so so pissed lars!! Realli feel like burning down this GOD DAMNED SCHOOL??? Ya on Tues which was suppossed to be my HK trip i'm sitting for my COMMON TEST!! Wad sial... !@#$%^&*()()_ So just gotta forgo my HK trip!! Can u imagine... after settling all my payments and so holiday mood some Random mishap just have to fucking spoil it.. realli testing my patience man.. and so now gotta leave Miko and Anna to go... super guilty girls.. A million of apologies.. dun blame me.. blame e fucking school.. think gotta ask u all to buy the things that i want for me le.. i will most prob go fetch u all when u girls come back to Sg.. Tell me about it.. just how fucking damn suay can i get man.. HOLY HOLY... Never been so damn suay in a week in my lifetime before lo!! 1 mishap after another... Is god trying to play wif me or wad sial.. Think i will be so fucking bad mood to go school everyday from today onwards man.. NYP= Wrong choice ar!!! for those ppl whose siblings/cousins/friends wanna go Poly next yr.. pls pls pls not to choose NYP.. It's fucking hell... this is e only Poly wif night class!! can u imagine to stay back in school till 930pm for stupid night class? realli a pain in the ass la.. And for now the only thing i can look forward to is the Zouk out thingy.. whereas for the trip gotta wait till next year MArch when my holidays are.. i swear man gotta go travelling soon.. can't take it no more in Sg.. its crap.. So sorry to Miko n Anna dun be sad lars enjoy ur trip n remember to buy for me those stuffs k.. :)
11:01 PM
Monday, December 05, 2005,
![]() HElpp... A Series of UnForTunAte Events in 1 Damn Day @ SUntec... Yea.. It was another full shift work over at Suntec on Saturday.. It was e 1st time i'm quite early.. thought it was a good start initially until.... 1. There was this cockanandeh guy who came n collect the accounts stuff at the store.. Then just happened that i was at the cashier.. then he gave me a very very weird smile... tryin very hard to act cute lars!! Ewww!!! Worse thing Mr Alfian n Miss Fidah saw it!! they were laughing non stop.. 2. Okay.. weird enuff.. As i was rushing my way to e storeroom to get a top for a customer.. i stepped onto a sensor tag pin!!! it was like "O-U-C-H" na bei W>T>F lar!! Of curse my feet bleed a lil.. 3. Just as i wanted to go to the storeroom again to take something.. then i wanted to ask Miss Fidah about the item.. then she was drinking water at that time.. and Alfian was cracking some jokes i think.. then when she turned around n wanted to open her mouth she just spit the water from her mouth!! Omg.. kenah my left hand alot lo.. my hand was very wet.. luckily its mineral water + some saliva.. eww.. Daryl sitting behind also kenah.. suay suay.. !@#$$%&*()_ 4. And there was this guy who came with his family to buy running shoes for e marathon thingy.. Guess wad? He's wearing a super super short n kind-of fitting denim shorts.. n he was looking at some running shoes n i let him tried on some sizes.. same shoes.. he was trying UK size 8 initially, then i asked, "how is it"? then he felt loose.. so he wanted a smaller size.. Then i see it was like only a bit of allowance lo.. pls lo dun tell me u really like everything fitting fitting.. see how u die at marathon on Sunday.. lol.. Then i told him, " well sir, its actually perfectly normal for u to just get something slightly bigger... its much more comfortable also.." crazy guy.. then as i was walking back to the store to take shoes for him, i told Christine to check him out.. wa biang its really funny lo she laughed till she cried la... Wan also thought he siao.. Daryl gave a disgusted face when he saw.. wa realli short la tt Versace hot pants.. hee cause Chirstine saw his lion logo on his pants when he was pulling his top.. wahaha fashion disaster..
4:11 AM
Friday, December 02, 2005,
Oh my god.. I'm so Boooooored~ I can't sleep... Insomia Again.. tmd.. Ok today was work at Suntec 5 pm thought for only 4.5 hrs, but it felt like full shift... Esp during e evening time where the whole shop was like so packed till boxes n boxes of shoes were stacked on the cashier floor, and heaps and heaps of clothings was lying around.. Holy.. Stupid marathon thingy on this coming Sunday.. Then my colleagues were saying that tomorrow will be worse! shit.. working full shift tml.. imagine.. After work almost all of us went to Bugis there to meet colleagues over there.. It was raining.. my god.. went to Mac there and chit chat.. They had a really long chat.. chat till 12+ then we all went to took cab.. luckily Joey stayed near me so can share cab together.. if not alone so sian... Hmm tml there's this Levi's party at Fort Canning PArk.. The launching o f the new Engineered jeans.. 8pm till late.. But i think at most 3 am onli lars, cause Irene juz called me n ask whether im interested to help out for the event together wif my lecture mate Munie also.. work from 8pm to 3 am.. $7 per hr.. hmm sounds good but then i gotta work full shift.. damn.. see how tml maybe will head there a while to check it out.. Nitez.. peeps:)
12:57 PM