Friday, September 30, 2005,
Omg... Dunno wad happened to my blog's dashboard lahs.. so irritating everything like jumble up.. Haven been posting for days due to this problem.. An extremely tired week for me from work to more work and clubbin... Worn-out as usual.. So on Friday me, Li xuan and Anthony went to the Superstar concert @ SIngapore Expo. Met them at Bedok central there to eat. Yeah managed to eat my Tang yuan again!! nice!! It was nice overall.. alot of nice songs they sang.. and most importantly to support Derrick and Leon. Derrick botak liao lo.. so cute... shall post his "shui shang hua" pic lo damn funny! Saw ex colleague Jenson and his gf there also. They have those special guests like e contestants siblings to perform with em like for eg. SHi xin hui's younger sis came also.. she's pretty lo.. both sisters can really sing very well! And for e Wei Lian his sis sang with him also.. quite touching lars.. Haiya Chinese concert is like that one.. unlike English ones more happening and nice. But $58 for the tix are worth e $ la.. 1st row lei.. bird's eye view. It ends very late ard 12am~ doink gotta take cab from Tampines all day way to Woodlands.. Yawnz.. went to li xuan's hse slack for a while then left at 1am then they sent me to take cab home.. <--------
11:08 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2005,
::TuesdAY:: Ha today worked at Suntec.. was super tired... slept for few hrs only... Yeah got my new shoes finally... but gotta collect at centrepoint lahs.. Thursday gonna work thr.. yup finally no nd to go city hall area.. cause its so damn far~ nightmare Packed stocks for a few hrs.. all soccer jersys.. from sleeveless to 3/4 sleeves Tmd so many stocks.. Super tired.. after packing was supposed to go for 2nd break then Mimi said can go early.. due to their cut cost shit.. Then i headed down to yishun 925 to meet Jaime, Estar and Stanley for dinner & teh-ping session... Played daidee and Uno.. i ain't no Diamond 3 le hor!! Temporary daidee queen for the night.. was in a winning streak la.. hee.. Slept at 4am.. ::Wednesday:: Got my morning call from Metta.. @ 9+ Then went down to Admiralty to meet her and Jezz Working with Jezz at salomon today.. sian... stocks came again.. realli alot ar.. Helped out to pack.. and managed to reserve a black messenger bag Its nice and big.. and most importantly cheap! its $109 u.p with 65% staff disc.. So its onli $40+ after that.. Then after work headed down to Momo with friends.. Didnt joined Christine thy all initially cause idnt bring ic.. they gg black.. Till 1 of my colleagues was banned by e ultimate 24-7 Door biatch then they joined me @ Momo. Then hot stuff thy all also at black.. celebrate Sean's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SEAN LIM!! 1st time to club Momo, new experience..its huge la but music wise erm.. so-so onli.. Was not realli fun.. kinda bored that nite.. hip hop and R&B was not too bad.. but the house part realli cant make it.. Crowd was good more youngsterz and good looking ppl.. toilet was fabulous man.. gorgeous lo.. lol.. dance floor was super packed. Then SkII Linda msged me asked if i was there then i went to find her right inside e dance floor there. Long time didnt see her le ever since i last saw her at isetan scotts when she worked. Chatted awhile then i went back to look for my frenz and colleagues then i headed home.. Yawnz..
11:26 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005,
Yippey Ya Yay Yippey yipeey Yay..... Haha!! Last paper Down!! Maths is such a bitch... Its Finally e 21st September!! Holidays OFFIcIalLy STARTED!!! But still gonna work my ass off.. in order to save $$ for coming HK trip.. Today replaced Mr Cool?(Mike) @ bugis.. Was fun working with namely, ZABBAH, Su Ping, Daryl and Mohan They never forget to bully me with e Empress Dowager thingy again lars.. Especially all thanks to Mr ZABBAH for starting e nickname thingy so now it has spread from Bugis ---> Raffles Link----> Suntec... Sure gonna be e laughing stock of Adidas la me.. @#$%^%^ Was longing for a digital cam ever since dunno when... Love Sony Cams.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ok My 1st choice is still the DSC T7-s in black pure Aluminium casting lars.. Its $749 erm should i should i?
3:10 AM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005,
Yea i'm back to make my blog alive! Been LOST since Monday? Yeah its my dreadful Exams Week this week So ya Wake Me UP When September 21st ends! Monday: After not sleeping for the past 13+ hours Finally My Multimedia Productions project is DONE!! Its realli hell for me not sleeping for straight 13+hrs can.. My head was spinning around e whole time and my neck was aching. Knn all thanks to Fauzan who gave out e project so late.. Then next morning was prepared to burn e project into my cd then realised OMG yesterday gu gu came to my house n took e last one away le!! Argh... So asked my mum to help me buy from Vista Point.. And for the very 1st time my mum was like wonder woman lo came back within 5 mins? That was super fast! Thanks MUM!! Then took cab to school was nearly dozing off.. till a sudden downpour at Lentor.. it was like w.t.f? Realli rained heavily till i cant see e road in front lo.. Then reached school about 1220 late for submission! Then saw hot stuff n chewyee n Immanuel They were saying that e deadline was extended to 5 pm!! Reali double W.T.F lo!!! !@#$%^&^& If not i could have catched some slp le.. Then went on to Maths revision Lecture, apparently me n Chewyee fall asleep lars.. Both of us were like super Black Eyed peas. Ha but nevertheless after lecture we all were once hyper again.. Then me, Chewyee, Amelia, Andrew, Immanuel, Arina & Tiffany all headed to town to accompany them for some job search thing. So we waited n waited.. till Arina said she wanted to go Adidas n look for towel? Ha then i accompnied her n we found out that the big towel was like $30+ w.t.f lo.. so not worth it for an ugly blue towel.. Ha.. Then was supposed to catch The LOngest Yard at Cine. But it rained so heavily again so in the end the plan was cancelled. Went back to eat again. Tuesday: No school, no work= Exams So went to watch the Longest Yard. Better go watch that! Its nice!! 4 out of 5 bites!!! The muscular guy in White chicks also acted and the hot chick guy acted as well It was so funny i swear.. especially the bunch of gay cheerleaders! Wahaha but actually 1 of them was gorgeous looking lo! machiam model.. what holy luck to play such a role. Wednesday: DeAD.. Networking paper GONE.. Prepared to register online with Munie for next semester.. So difficult lar e paper.. Did only 3 questions out of four Didnt go for common test that time.. NO Mc.. Haiz.. That's the End of me....
1:23 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005,
Just came back from Mac @ Admiralty. @ 430 am? Went to meet up with Daphne to study.. Sooo Damn tired, still gotta study for multimedia test tml.. Then Eugene came down. Talk a while, eat a while and smoke a while.. Then saw a humongous Cockroach!! TMD it was facing our direction and looked like its going to fly towards us in any second !!! stupid pest freaked us out lo! Then e staff came to collect the rubbish thought he stepped on it le.. but it ran down to the drain.. Lucky b*tch one wrong move and u're gONE!! Haaaahaha... kk im so tired now I'm soo looking forward to 13th Dec when Christine, Miko, Anna and me will be going to Macau and Hong Kong!!! Wee-o-wee...
5:12 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005,
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ====================================================== 5 curious Habits u wanna noe? 1. I wear my watch to sleep everyday!! (But i'm not punctual still.. and tends to oversleep!!) ![]() 2. I'm Left-handed ![]() Yeah i'm left-handed! (aint it retard my handwriting?) 3. I cant sleep in total Darkness... Yeah i'm so afraid of darkness man.. so i must sleep with at least a dimmer.. 4. I"m a Bubble Tea freak! Lol i muz have my daily intake of bubble tea.. 5.I have a habit of saying wa-lau every day!! u can hear me saying at least 10 times a day.. wa lau... 5 ppl i'm gonna forward to are: 1. Amelia 2. Xing 3. Irene 4. Veron 5. Li Xuan
8:44 AM