Tuesday, May 31, 2005,
Today's my very 1st day of Work in Adidas Parkway Parade.. Phew.. it's their 30% sales!! so many ppl buy sial.. worked wif my 2 other colleagues both guys.. Then while serving e customers also @ e same time look out on wad to buy:)) Ha.. kind of like e ROM shoes.. originals yellow n khaki colored.. nice man.. $109 got less 30% then still can additional 20%!! so it's a total of 50%% yea so after all its only $50+~~ Must buy must buy!! cannot miss~ lol.. then after a hard day's work took cab wif new colleague Ismail to Eunos mrt.. thanks for "tom-pang".. then took e damn train all da way back home, durin e journey christine called, asked if how's e job chatted a while.. Reached hm bout 11pm.. Dead beat.. tml got lessons @ 8am?? Late for sure de la.. ha.. SLpz...
10:47 PM
Sunday, May 29, 2005,
Sian was woke up by some random phone call from a random person calledHelen? ha no aint e biatch in my class de.. its my workplace de.. as early as 1045am la.. while i'm still in e midst of my lala-land!! and fancy asking bout my e-mail add.. so random right? not sure if i've given her e correct one anot..hee.. Then went right back to my lala land again n slept till bout 4pm?? woah super duper tired la.. then younger bro came into my room n woke me up for "lunch" ha.. he bought me fishball mee-pok.. how nice of him:)) Then H.xian called.. but didnt heard it..so called him later.. he was like "Harlow.. this is A.M.K police station n bla bla".. its like w.t.h.. so random n funny lar ha chatted awhile.. he wan2 find job.. ask me to intro him to Adidas also.. then he worried bout his piercings asking whether MULTIPLE piercings are allowed. Cause this guy has got ard 20+ piercings on his face/ears??? haha his can be connected by chains u noe from 1 end to another.. lol.. Then i was like ala can de.. thy r very open-minded.. thy r lookin for funky personnels.. :) kk.. shall ask for u n Irene on behalf for da job.. Basically i slacked @ home for e whole day~ tml's school gonna resume!! n lesson gonna start from 12pm TO 930pm!!! w.t.f!!!!!!! kk shall stop here n pack my bag.. lol like lil' kid.. tml gu-gu gonna come to my hse early morning...
11:11 AM
Saturday, May 28, 2005,
Woke up @ 2+ this afternoon.. muz cherish this 1 last wk of precious slp le.. thinking bout when will it be e next time for me to slp till so late after sch reopens ya.. so received a sms frm Vivien remindin me to return my uniforms. So get prepared n headed down to JP. Then called Veron n asked her whr to go later n we decided to head for town as the G.S.S has started!! she even told me tt some shops in Suntec open till 2AM???? think catered for those super hardcore shoppaholics ba:) Then reached JP bout 5+pm.. returned my uniforms n cds(tt time for chalet) to Vivien n chatted for a while then bid farewell to em.. hah, as though i'm dyin' or wad.. Then took train all e way down to orchard to meet Veron 1st, then during e journey, Yun msged me asked me whr i am n whether wanna go Bishan meet her n Estar.. but told her tt i'm on my way to town le. so thy both came down n meet us in e end @ topshop wisma. After tt went to Far East to have our dinner but it was super packed @ our fave curry chicken stall n smoky.. so left wif disappoinment n headed down to scotts picnic food court. As usual i ate e dory fish rice tt last time always ate wif ma ex-colleagues de lo. think tt uncle noe me also le.. ha.. then later Veron wanted to go down to BQ, a place called Sahara to smoke Seesha.. Btw, Seesha is a Turkish water cigarrettes with various flavours to choose from.. ranging from Apple n grapes, Peach and apple, cola, to passion fruits flavour.. Sounds delicious ya dosen't it? Its $14.15 each for bout 4 ppl to share? can smoke for bout 1/2 hr onli ba..(results may vary)depends on how well ur lungs worked? lol.. Music was Hindi reggae to R&B n Hip-Hop.. Ambience was awesome!! i rate it 4 out of 5 lah! whoo~ e place isn't as smokey as u think, cause of e amount of tobacco used? well or girls u all muz realli check tt place out cause thr's alot of hot bitches thr!! lol!! but thr's no dance floor inside as its rather a place for ppl to chill out ya.. then we played dai dee thr also.. ha.. funny Veron e dai dee queen together wif Yun outplayed us!! then thr's this crush of veron called Melrose(not too sure how is it spelt) joined us.. ha he also can't play well de.. but he treated us drinks still.. very generous of this future-layer-to be.. thanks dude!! Left e place @ ard 2 am wif Estar cause he gotta work tml as early as 9? lol.. Definitely gg back thr again we all agreed~:))
3:32 AM
Thursday, May 26, 2005,
Yea woke up @ ard 10+ this morning and prepare gg to zoo with fellow mates like Chew Yee, Kir and Brandon. Was late for e animal shows cause all of us overslept! lol.. Anyway this all are possible wif da help of my friend Estar~ yo! A Million Thanks to da free Tix ya :)) But in return, i also bought him breakfast ma from Delifrance yea.. got Mango chicken baguette n tarts ok? ha.. Kir and Brand was apparently late. So Chew Yee n me were sitting near my fren's office? in e air-con see-through room with a post of Personal Relations? not sure.. It's like quite a cool job ya when he only needs to receive phone calls from ppl and answer to all their enquires.. interestin.. But thr's also for sure thr r some random ppl who asked random questions like for example, " Hi i would like to enquire bout e Gifraffes in e zoo, so is thr any giraffe in e zoo now? so my fren replied politely; " Sir, i'm so sorry tt our Giraffes will only arrive on Thursday." lol.. ![]() Then tt Indian guy was like; "Oh.. so u mean u dun have those normal giraffes now in e zoo"? stupid quest.. all of e above was said in a typical indian accent. Ha.. its been an extremely long time for us to go zoo ever since we were still small kids? but nowadays probably due to our age we dun really find gg zoo can be as fun as e past ya especially when there are school excursions.. ha.. Anyway we saw e white tigers @ least tt's something new in our local zoo.. but actually would still prefer e ones tt i saw over @ Australia.. Theirs are whiter and nicer.. ha and also crocs.. scary~ humongous ya.. then e guys actually wanted to try using e mangoes thy found nearby and throw @ e crocs lo!! its' like so mean of em ya? but fortunately, thr's this staff walked towards us and she's carryin a mini snake.. but it's in black and red color!! poisonous lookin stuff.. and e snakes corner thr has a gigantic python! think bout 10m long?? na bei.. it freaked me out la.. Then eventually u noe wad thy did to e crocs? thy actually threw dampen tissue on it!! and e tissue just landed up on e croc's tail!! lol~ but as expected e croc's skin its super thick so it didnt react. Ha then when we wanted to take e tram ard cause our legs aching le then i heard my fren callin me frm bhind~ Estar! ha his colleague n him was in a buggy car. so we hopped onto it and got a free ride lo! so fun n privillege we r to hav a fren workin thr. but kind of embarrassed cause ppl were lookin @ e whole lot of us thinkin tt who r we n wad r we doin on tt buggy. hee~ Then after explorin we went on to eat KFC @ e children's world. Then chatted as we decide on whr to go later @ night.. Brand thy al decided to go down to Boat Quay, but not sure which place, so i suggested Tikki bar a.k.a Hot Stuff?? lol.. tt's Kir's nickname.. but eventually we went to Chocolate Bar.. nxt to it.. It sucks ar!! stupid guy kept luring us in.. from wad i noe its a super Techno pub in e past rite? and e crowd was pathetic la.. jia lat.. actually more interested to Queens? which was e ex Hendrix? it seems to be more happenin ya. but thinkin of e guys thy paid cover le so we eventually stayed thr and slacked all e way. ![]() Think i told em le it's gonna be my first and e last time thr.. kir, me and chew yee went on to "ta" on bourbon coke? 5 cups n tts it began to get a lil tipsy le.. lousy drinker ya.. then i began to doze off on e couch a while.. then e hot bartender woke me up and wanted to offer me with some lime juice to keep me awake? lol i didnt accept it eventually.. He's nice but kind of gay though.. so we went off @ ard 3 and sat by e riverside.. both guys were kindof drunk le.. so helped em out.. esp Kir! he's completely wiped out~ dunno wad did he drank.. lookin tough one outside but vulnerable beneath.. Brand doze off again then his phone rang gf called.. oh no.. thy quarrelled.. u see when guys r drunk thy often get themselves into trouble.. so poor me n chew yee gotta spend e whole night thr n wait for em to be sober.. sob sob.. worst part rain like cats n dogs after tt!! but kir was e worst! he even fall of frm e bench eventually n it was like haiyo.. then later @ last managed to pull em to nearby to let em rest. He fell sick eventually n poor him he was so damn sick till he told us he could hardly breathe! haiyo.. then Cy n Brand rushed to nearby coffeeshop to get him hot ginger tea?(it tastes like shit though) n hot water.. Whereas Brand n me went 7-11 to get him panadol n medicated oil.. poor him he forced himself to puke like nobody's business. Luckily neva puked on my jacket also.. lol damn na bei. So when he got better it was like 6 + le.. went to flag for cab to send em home. Reached hm ard 7+.. super super tired...
11:35 AM
Tuesday, May 24, 2005,
Hmm today was scheduled for our 1st training more like briefing over @ PP. There are e total of 6 of us in e group.. we all come from different backgrounds lo, all of them are basically very friendly. 2 of them are actually my schoolmates.. but from marketing side de.. so good all of em have graduated le except for me n this guy called Dennis. All of em are very sporty n tanned except for me this fair chicken.. lol.. Trendy is a netball coach(pt-time), Shirleen is NP's rugby player!! Funny, when she 1st told us everyone was like "Whoa~~"damn cool~ , Faisal is a soccer player damn cool~ Khing our trainer is very friendly and nice ya she looked at all our faces like still livin' in our lala land, so she decided to go down and get breakfast for us.. Had teh si peng and kaya toast.. :) Then received our lanyards and tried on uniforms.. wad Yoga pants wif super super flare cuts.. w.t.f muz try to alter? Then after 3 whole hrs of e training, she told all of us to go down to Suntec outlet to choose our shoes! woah.. free any 1 pair out of our 3 choices as uniform.. so me and my new colleagues, Shirleen, and Dennis headed thr to see see n try it out lo.. but in e end i only manged to requsite 2 pairs cause i realli dunno wad to choose le.. then 1 of e male staff helped us n give advice lo of which kind of shoes is e most suitable for standing long hrs due to e structure of e shoes' sole n bla bla.. then nxt we headed down to e factory outlet @ Novena Sq, cause Dennis wanna buy frm thr e shoes. but in e end he tried a few pairs but he didnt like it so much. so never buy eventually but the staff thr are friendly oso.. chatted wif us n smile n smile.. lol.. overall i've learnt alot yesterday.. huo yi bu qian
1:14 AM
Thursday, May 19, 2005,
Ha.. It's ladies nite again.. seldom go club on ladies nite wan.. Well we went to Phuture to club, thy are Chew Yee, Muzakir, Brandon and Li Xuan.. hmm b4 tt met li xuan 1st @ town.. damn guilty cause i was late for a hell of 1 hr!! w.t.h.. hopless bitch ar.. lol.. Then went to walk ard @ Wisma.. then Li Xuan's bf Anthony came down to meet us.. then we went to Scotts Picnic foodcourt to have dinner. Then after our dinner still time before we meet e rest of the guys, so i actually thought of highlighting my hair.. while li xuan trimed her hair.. e stylist said red is nice but then after he colored for me, it appeared to be more orangey rather than red lo.. sian.. still outrageous.. Just then, CY called thy reached far east le.. e 3 of em came down to look for me.. wow Brandon's Adidas jacket is so nice lo.. then later Jamie called.. askin where i am then ask me to join em for ktv session.. ha.. well clubbin n ktv.. of course i will choose clubbin over ktv la.. heez.. then told em later join em again after club close cause thy gonna sing till 6 am @ cine k box lo!! After tt we went to take cab down to Phuture then went to join in e long damn queue.. but luckily, kir's frenz also there.. so we just cut queue lo.. damn na bei rite? lol.. ladies free entry but no free drinks, whereas guys got 2 free drinks.. ordered heiniken it was like $10.50/bottle.. whoo ex.. then i took Gin tonic.. Li xuan was her 1st time to go clubbin so she can't hold liquior well.. so i helped her lo.. crowd wise was as ever packed! same difficulty in moving finally managed to get our way through to dance but all we do was only to mover left to right? cause everyone was like sardines in a huge can.. nearly went breathless man inside.. but was fun though.. Later, Chew yee was leaving for her friend's chalet.. leavin e rest of us thr.. damn sian lo.. pei em smoke a while outside n also to capture some air.. lol.. then got a few ppl went so dead drunk.. hopelessly drunk i mean got tis girl was so drunk till few of her frenz carried her away from e club.. then went back to continue to dance all the way.. till 2 + me n li xuan left 1st, leaving kir n brandon behind.. sorry ya cause Jamie called me to go down cine k box to find em.. Sang till 6 am n headed back to woodlands for breakfast.. freakin tired le.. i slpt for lk 5 hrs onli.. oh no time to slp now!!
12:09 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2005,
Today went to Adidas 2nd round interview again.. tis time wif Ah boi.. he was called oso so we went together. Nothing much during the interview just tt khing always ask bout my time table lo.. still not out yet ma.. Then took photo again..(thought e last time Tim took for me le) i'm shy ma.. keke.. After e whole interview, went down to e coffeeshop to meet Ah boi.. he looked sian 1/2, then lost confidence.. he was quite tense up ya maybe due to he didnt sleep for e entire night? hmm then went down to OG pp thr to look for ah bao to chit chat.. she was also stressed this ime is stress about informing her pt time staff tt he received warning letter.. so ke lian she feel like she's e scapegoat.. being used.. all thanks to e management team to put her in such a difficult position lo. Damn mean.. Ltr then went down to work.. sales was quite good today ya.. at ard 8+, Estar and Jamie cAme down to look for me, sayin thy wan2 go watch movie.. horror movie again super sian..
11:44 AM
Sunday, May 15, 2005,
Yup went to my class BBq yesterday.. think i probably gained an extra of 1kg> ? oh no.. gotta do somethin' to my tummy.. lol/./ Come come, let me brief u wad we had for our bbq.. A BIG THaNK YOU TO cHEW YEE & dUNCAN AND ALSO AMY'S mUM~ There are nice chicken wings, superb otahs, crabsticks, sambal stingray!!(ooh), sambal sotong, marshmellows, prawns, fried beehoon & hotdogs.. fantastic food though but too much leftovers!! wad a waste.. actually thought of askin more ppl down de but then tian bu zhuo mei, it rained eventually n it's really cats n dogs lo!! na bei.. but nevertheless, its after our food and activities.. Ha.. then Tiffany, Amy n Justin thy all went to blade.. so scary.. i didn really joined em cause i cant balance for nuts!! lolx.. but did tried a while eventually, standing on it its ard a main problem lo, let alone of blading.. chim.. SIAN 1/2, in e end gotta go seek for shelter.. woah e rain is like damn heavy la.. @ 11+ then we were @ mac's OUTDOOR seats thr.. playin truth or dare.. woah fun lo knowing so many things from my frens inclu e darkest secrets man.. ha.. then @ 1 Amy's mum came to sent us home. by then rain has already subside.. Hmm.. quite a nice outing though.. perhaps wif a chalet is even better ya? nxt time peeps~
2:06 PM
Thursday, May 12, 2005,
Haiz.. for e very first time using my very first laptop.. yeah.. juz bought an Acer travelmate 4150.. one of the latest ba.. not bad sial though made in Taiwan.. got bluetooth inside also.. woah.. Then today went down to Isetan Scotts to help out in Private Sales!! w.t.h~ so sian one private sales.. break 1/2 an hr only lo.. pathetic.. no appetite to eat also.. but still managed to buy a top n a pair of shorts from Topshop.. @ least never leave empty handed.. Saw ex-colleagues also like Norah, Jeremy, Christine & of course Ivan.. then later Qiong Mei also came down.. She is a private sales siao.. lol.. every year w/o fail sure will turn up de.. lol. woah her hair is gettin' more n more purpulish~ chio sia.. wanna make my hair so badly.. wanna tone down e color of my hair.. no more outrageous colors le~ All the prolonged bleachin had made my hair so damn fu*kin dry.. haiz.. Soo tired.. gotta get up real early tml mornin cause muz go n get sotong from e market.. haiyo to make sambal sotong for my class bbq lo.. hiak haik.. my frenz praised my sambal sotong damn power de ok? can compare to Newton's one? ha.. ai seh woah such compliments sia.. kk gotta go zzzzzzzz..
4:41 AM
Thursday, May 05, 2005,
![]() Hmm.. after so many days of scorching hot weather, today it finally rained.. met up wif Mich, n Muzakir again.. n one of his " ang-mor" lookin fren Brandon.. funny.. met em @ yck.. i was freakin' late again..(is tis somethin' new?) then went to far east to walk ard, then went to check out nice sneakers, stepped into left foot, kir saw tis damn nice shoes by undefeated black n red color~ guess wad?? it costs freakin $369 lo!! haiyo.. hardcore shoe collector ya.. he wanted e pair of shoez alot.. his birthday is round e corner, but ha.. think we filthy rich meh to buy tt for him? lol.. too bad.. later headed down to pot black thr tis evening n watched em played pool.. then Brandon saw tis denim cue holder quite nice man.. look as if it's a levis one.. fully denim... i wanted to buy e Adidas Missy Elliot ltd shoes nice ar.. muz find Chris. to take staff purchase.. After their game, went to coffee bean to chill.. pei em smoke.. talk cock, wanted to eat dinner, but mich's Ah long fren wanted to meet her @ woodlands 515 cofeeshop to eat.. ha.. then acc mich go back n pang seh e both of em n headed down to woodlands.. :> haiyo supposed to return to yck de but in e end felt sleepy n headed home.. ZZzzzzzzz ciaoz..
3:34 PM
Wednesday, May 04, 2005,
![]() Pic of livin' rm of our chalet~ huge rite? ![]() My latest obesseion MahJonG!! lol.. ![]() Lol.. our ktv room.. ![]() HeyO,, yup has not been posting for e past few days since labour day. W.T.F still gotta work on labour day de.. sianz man.. but nevertheless e chalet thing is still ON.. Was freaking late when i met Arina and Imm, met em @ C.C.K, then took e east bound train all the way to pasir ris!! o.m.g it's freakin far.. but bo bian.. when we reached thr, met e rest of e guys @ ya kun's toast store @ East Point. Wooah right now everyones' eyes glued on e Soccer match Liverpool vs Chelsea.. lol.. interestin.. in e K.T.V room some more! yea u've heard me rite, it's our chalet wif kTV room! its by far e biggest chalet i've been lo, thr are 4 rooms, dunno how many beds cum matteresses, 1 mahjong table! lol, n wadsoeva.. shall post some of e pics nxt day.. Finally, managed to learn some basic skills in mahjong.. Ha.. interesting game though.. makes u think! my classmates all like damn power in mahjong only me tis bai chi, noe a lil or none.. haiz lei le.. gonna watch horror flicks wif my mates now.. gonna blast e ktv stereos~ hopefully tt e police dun knock on our gate..
4:25 PM